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    In the meantime we know how important it is to keep our industry connected and we will be offering some exciting new opportunities to do just that later in the year. More details will be announced soon.

    We thank everyone involved for their continued support and patience in these unprecedented circumstances.

    Our thoughts are with all those affected by Coronavirus.

    More information

  • Register for Infosecurity Europe

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    Infosecurity Europe Conference




  • Meet with the world's most innovative suppliers and cyber experts, immerse yourself in hands-on tech and learn from world-renowned speakers and thought-leaders.

    Why visit?

    Get the insight and education you need need to manage information and cyber risk to build resilience within complex organisations. Discover CISO insights and thought-provoking sessions.

    See the 2022 programme

    Work with us to grow your brand, generate sales leads and build relationships with 15,000+ of Europe's top information and cyber security professionals.

    Exhibiting opportunities

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